threshold gate

英 [ˈθreʃhəʊld ɡeɪt] 美 [ˈθreʃhoʊld ɡeɪt]




  1. And every little chamber was one reed long, and one reed broad; and between the little chambers were five cubits; and the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate within was one reed.
  2. Threshold Logic Gate ( TLG) is receiving much attention because of its logic versatility and functionally complete.
  3. And the threshold of the gate next to the portico facing the temple was one rod deep.
  4. Crossing the high iron-bound threshold, they noticed a thin dark face beside the stone lion to the right of the gate.
  5. Xiangzi barely had the strength to step across the threshold of the gate.
  6. In addition, the threshold voltage is capable of being finely tuned with a proper gate bias.
  7. We studied the threshold gate networks, then present an algorithm for the synthesis of two-level in classical two-level minimization of logic functions.
  8. The Logic Circuit Design of Deka-Value Threshold Gate and T-Gate
  9. A simple structure of Deka-Value threshold gate is proposed. Based on the principle of Deka-Value threshold gate and the multi-element logic ( DYL, in Chinese) circuit proposed by Chinese researchers, a multi-functional and universal purpose Deka-Value T-Gate circuit is designed.
  10. Heaviside function was proposed to create a precise arithmetic model of the threshold gate. The model can describe both the set and reset behavior of the threshold gate.
  11. The threshold voltage of a-Si ∶ H/ SiN_x ∶ H TFT will shift under long time gate bias stress, it is mostly leaded by charge trapping in gate insulator and defect creation in semiconductor.
  12. Expressions of threshold voltage of short channel silicon gate MOS-FET and the temperature dependence of threshold voltage were derived from Yaus model.
  13. The influence of total dose, irradiation dose rate and gate biased voltage on the stability of radiation dose recording threshold voltage of PMOS dosimeters have been studied at room temperature. The threshold voltage drift trends and amplitude have been observed at different biased condition on gate source.
  14. Study of Based on the Threshold Gate Network for Logic Synthesis
  15. The influence on threshold voltage and gate capacitance of MOSFETs due to quantum effects
  16. Realization of Boolean function base on threshold logic gate is always studied by researchers because its strong function and special advantage.
  17. The mechanisms for a-Si ∶ H-TFT threshold voltage shift were analyzed. That is, the influence of charges injecting into SiN_x ∶ H gate insulator and the creation of meta-stable states in a-Si ∶ H to a-Si ∶ H-TFT threshold voltage shift under gate bias stress were analyzed.
  18. The laser active recognition technique used to detect the target are presented, which include threshold value treatment technique, wave gate control technique and target extraction technique.
  19. Through the study on the structure and characteristic of grooved gate MOSFET, it is found that the concave corner greatly influence the threshold voltage and characteristics of the grooved gate MOSFET.
  20. This change leads to such a great distance-measuring error that the threshold gate method may be in complete failure.
  21. The threshold gate method has the problems of false alarm and missing alarm.
  22. By solving the Poisson equation of the depletion region of high k gate dielectric and gate insulator region, the threshold voltage model of stack high k gate dielectric is got.
  23. With the established threshold voltage model, the effects of changes in key device parameters ( such as gate oxide thickness, strained-silicon thickness, composition of Ge, etc.) on device performance are also simulated.



  1. a logic element that performs a threshold operation

      Synonym:    threshold element